Using the Corporate Admin Activity Log

Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Tools > Activity Log
Permission: ViewAdministration()

  BETA: The Activity Log feature is in development and currently only supports logging for a limited number of categories, but we hope to add more categories soon.

The Activity Log displays which changes have been made in Corporate Admin. The information recorded on this page also reflects the user, time, and tool in which the action was completed.

By default, the Activity Log automatically loads changes for all categories made within the last seven days. You can adjust these results by selecting a period, choosing a category, and entering information into the provided text fields.

Search and Filtering

To filter your search results:

  1. Using the Period Selector, select a period from the available options.
  2. Select a category from the Category dropdown.
    Category dropdown
  3. If searching for a specific change, enter the Record Id, User Name, or Search term associated with the associated item.
      The Record Id may display the same number for items in separate categories. This can cause multiple results to appear when searching for a specific Record Id in All Categories.
  4. Press Enter on your keyboard to load your search results.

    Ten results will display per page by default. You can adjust this number by selecting 25, 50, or 100 from the Show entries dropdown.

    Show entries dropdown
  5. The data is sorted into the following columns:
    • Category - Designates the category assigned to the item.
    • Record Id - Displays the database record number for the item.
    • Name - Displays the inventory item SKU, the payment method mapping merchant, or the coupon code.
    • Change Type - Specifies if the user chose to Add, Edit, or Delete the item.
    • User - Displays the user that completed the change.
    • Change Date - Displays the date and time for the completed action.
    • View Detail - Contains the View Detail icon for Admins to view specific information surrounding the change.
  6. The pagination in the bottom right corner lets you navigate between pages.

Viewing Change Details

To view change details:

  1. Locate the item and click the button to view the change details.

    View Details button

    The Activity Log Detail slide-out panel opens.

    Activity Log Detail slide-out
  2. Collapse and expand each section to review the changes.
    Collapse/Expand functionality
  3. Use the tags at the top of each section to identify Additions, Updates, and Deletions.
    Additions tag
    Updates tag
    Deletions tag
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