Nexio is a payment processor merchant described as an open payments platform. They offer chargeback management, tokenization, and global payments. You can integrate Nexio as a commission payout merchant or standard payment processor.
For money-out (commission payments), Nexio can function as an E-Wallet where the available funds come from earned commission payouts. To set up your integration, you need to enter the credentials provided to you by Nexio in Corporate Admin.
Basic E-Wallet Process
When an Associate receives commission payments, the system funds their E-Wallet. The funds are available to purchase more of your products.
The Associate selects their inventory items and begins the checkout process.
The Associate selects "Nexio" as the payment provider and clicks the Checkout button.
Nexio displays the Associate’s available balance here as well. A balance of "0" may indicate that the Associate’s account is not yet set up. The Associate should contact you to resolve this issue. -
The order processing system retrieves the balance from the Associate’s account to verify funds and then sends the request to charge.
Nexio processes the request and sends back confirmation of acceptance (or denial if there are insufficient funds).
Before You Start
For testing on Nexio’s side, reach out to your account manager and gain credentials to their Sandbox site. On the DirectScale side, if you have a Stage environment, you can create test orders and commission payments there before setting up on Live. See the Testing on Stage/Sandbox section below for more information.
Acquire the necessary credentials and information (provided by Nexio when your account is created.):
Username - The merchant username.
Password - The merchant password.
Test Username - The merchant username used for testing purposes.
Test Password - The merchant password used for testing purposes.
Payout Account ID - The Nexio ID for the payout account.
Provider ID - Indicates which payout provider to associate with recipient profiles. You will need a provider ID for each provider you intend to use for commission payouts. MassPay, Nomad, and PayQuicker are the current providers compatible with DirectScale.
Testing on Stage/Sandbox
Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Settings > Advanced Settings > Merchants
URL: [CLIENTID].corpadmin.directscale[ENVIRONMENT].com/Settings?category=Merchants
Permission: ViewAdministration(), ViewAdvancedSettings()
Nexio offers a Sandbox site where you can test your payment processing before going live. You must request access to this Sandbox site from Nexio. You can add the provided testing credentials to your Corporate Admin Stage environment when you have access.
Locate the Nexio Payouts and Spendback credential form.
- Ensure IsLive is disabled while testing. When disabled, the merchant is in a simulated transaction mode that allows you to test payouts in your Stage environment.
Enter the testing credentials:
Test Username - The merchant username used for testing purposes.
Test Password - The merchant password used for testing purposes.
- Payout Account ID - The Nexio ID for the payout account.
Enable the provider by entering the provider ID for each provider you intend to use:
- MassPay Provider ID - The Nexio ID for the MassPay provider.
- Nomad Provider ID - The Nexio ID for the Nomad provider.
- PayQuicker Provider ID - The Nexio ID for the PayQuicker provider.
Click Save Changes.
You can now create test orders on your Stage environment. See Creating Test Orders Guide for more information.
Adding Credentials for Live
Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Settings > Advanced Settings > Merchants
URL: [CLIENTID].corpadmin.directscale[ENVIRONMENT].com/Settings?category=Merchants
Permission: ViewAdministration(), ViewAdvancedSettings()
- Locate the Nexio Payouts and Spendback credential form.
- Ensure IsLive is checked to use Nexio to payout real money in your live environment.
- Enter the provided credentials:
- Username - The merchant username.
- Password - The merchant password.
- Payout Account ID - The Nexio ID for the payout account.
- Enter the provider ID for each provider you intend to use:
- MassPay Provider ID - The Nexio ID for the MassPay provider.
- Nomad Provider ID - The Nexio ID for the Nomad provider.
- PayQuicker Provider ID - The Nexio ID for the PayQuicker provider.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Setting up Nexio as a Commissions Merchant
Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Settings > Advanced Settings > Commission
URL: [CLIENTID].corpadmin.directscale[ENVIRONMENT].com/Settings?category=Merchants
Permission: ViewAdministration(), ViewAdvancedSettings()
If you plan to use Nexio as your default commissions payout merchant, you must enter the Merchant ID in Corporate Admin.
Locate the Money Out section.
In the Default Commission Merchant ID field, enter the Merchant ID for the Nexio provider:
- MassPay (USD) - Enter
. - Nomad (USD) - Enter
. - PayQuicker (USD) - Enter
If more than one payout merchant is required, leave the Default Commission Merchant ID field blank. Refer to Mapping Commission Merchants to map multiple payout merchants using the Data Editor. - MassPay (USD) - Enter
Click the Save Changes button.
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