Generating a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) in Web Office

When an Associate needs to return some or all of a shipped order, they can contact your customer service reps and request a return. If enabled, they can generate a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) in Web Office.

Enabling This Feature

Admin: Web Office Admin
Page: Advanced Settings > Settings
Permission: Setup Settings

This feature is disabled by default.

To enable:

  1. Expand the OrderDetails section.

  2. Click the showRMAButton toggle on.

    showRMAButton toggle
  3. Click SAVE.

Opening a Return

Site: Web Office
Page: Orders > Order History

  1. On the Details column, click the VIEW ORDER link on the order you want to return.

    View Order link

    You are now on the Order Detail page.

  2. On the Order Detail page, click the RETURN ITEMS button.

    Return Items button

    You navigate to the Generate RMA page.

Generating an RMA

On the Generate RMA page:

  1. Click the checkbox next to the item(s) being returned in the Return column.

    Return checkbox
  2. Adjust Quantity to Return, if applicable.

    For example, if the item has a quantity of 3, but the Associate is only returning one, change the amount to 1.

  3. Enter a Return Reason.

  4. Click Generate RMA #.

    Generate RMA # button

You navigate to an RMA page, providing additional information.

RMA page

Viewing RMA Details

  1. In the created RMA page, click Back to View Order to return to the Order Details box.

    Back to View Order button
  2. An RMA Details panel appears toward the bottom of the Order Details box.

    RMA Details panel

The order status changes to "Processing RMA" in the Order History box.

Processing RMA status
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