Making Tree Movements

Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Tools > Tree Movements
Permission: ChangePlacements()

You can move or delete Associates from Trees to change upline and downline positions.

Making Tree Movements

  1. Click the Add Node Movement button.

    Add Node Movement button

    The Add Movement pop-up window opens.

  2. Select the Tree where the movement is to be made.

    Add Movement pop-up
  3. In the Associate To Place field, enter the Associate name or ID to move.

  4. In the Associate To Place Under field, type the name or ID of another Associate.

    The moved Associate places under this Associate as a part of their downline.

  5. Click the Add Movement button.

    When you add a proposed movement, the Commit Tree Changes button appears next to the Add Node Deletion button.

    The Proposed Movement Table displays the Associate to move and the Associate they will place under.

  6. Click Commit Tree Changes once the movements are reviewed and are correct.

The system will process the commitments. Any errors that occur will display on the movement tiles so you can identify what failed. If the commitment was successful, the tile disappears from the page.

The Tree movements are complete. The Associate now has a new enroller and placement upline.

Removing an Associate from a Tree

  1. Click the Add Node Deletion button.

    Add Node Deletion

    The Delete Node pop-up window opens.

  2. Select the Tree where the movement will be.

  3. In the Associate to Remove field, enter the name or ID of the Associate you'd like to remove.

  4. When fields are complete, click Add Deletion.

    The proposed movement is not immediately committed. It adds to the movement queue.

    A Commit Tree Changes button will also appear. Review the Tree moves to perform.

  5. Click the Commit Tree Changes button.

The system will process the commitments. Any errors that occur will display on the movement tiles so you can identify what failed. If the commitment was successful, the tile disappears from the page.

The Tree movements are complete. The Associate now has a new enroller and placement upline.

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