Allowing Coupons to be Applied in the Legacy eCommerce Shop

An Associate’s assigned coupons appear in a Coupons Available box in the eCommerce Shop when they add an item to the cart.

Coupons Available box

You’ll see a Promo/Coupon Code field on the Checkout page that an Associate can enter a provided code.

Promo/Coupon Code field

For these sections to appear and add coupons to be available, you have to allow coupons in the shopping carts configuration in eCommerce Admin.

Allowing Coupons

Admin: eCommerce Admin
Page: Company Setting > Shopping Carts
Permission: Setup Carts

In a shopping cart configuration:

  1. Turn on the Allow Coupons toggle.

    Allow Coupons toggle
  2. Click UPDATE.

  3. Repeat the process for AutoOrder Carts if necessary.

Automatically Allowing Coupons

Admin: eCommerce Admin
Page: Company Setting > Shopping Carts
Permission: Setup Carts

  AutoOrder Carts don’t have the option to apply coupons in the UI automatically.
Automatically Apply Coupon toggle

Optionally, turn on the Automatically Apply Coupon toggle.

  • If enabled, the Associate’s coupons will automatically be selected in the Coupons Available box.

  • In the field next to the toggle, you can enter a specific coupon code that’ll auto-apply to the applicable Associate’s/customers.

Automatically Apply Coupon field
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