Flagging Web Office Content as Inappropriate

Admin: Web Office Admin
Page: Content Management > Community
URL: [CLIENTID].admin.directscale.com/#/Community
Permission: Community

When a comment or post in the Web Office Community is questionable to Associates, they can flag it and send it to a moderator for review.

In Web Office Admin, the Flagged Content displays the marked content as inappropriate. This section only appears when there is content to review. The flagged content will stay in the Community until deleted.

Setting Up Flagged Content Notification

A notification requesting moderation sends when content is flagged.

To set the email address that this notification sends to:

  1. Navigate to Advanced Settings > Settings.

    Settings page
  2. Expand the Community section.

    Expand Community section
  3. Enter the email address in the Abuse Email field.

    Abuse Email field
  4. Click SAVE.

Flagging Content as Inappropriate

Flagged as Inappropriate elements
  1. Click UNFLAG to clear the content.

    The post will remain in the Web Office Community.

  2. Click DELETE to delete the post from the Community if it is offensive or against business ethics.

Note: If there are additional comments made by Associates on the post to be deleted, they will be deleted, as well. If a moderator deletes a comment from a post, only the comment will delete, the initial post will stay.

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