Adding Reward Points to an Associate Account in Corporate Admin

Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Associates > Search Associates > Associate Detail > More > Reward Points

Associate Reward Points are stored in a ledger (CRM_RewardPointLedger). When an Associate purchase a product that grants points, the system updates their ledger with the new amount. If needed, you can add or deduct points manually in Corporate Admin.

The Reward Points page shows Reward Points awarded along with the available date, expiration date, amount, remaining balance, source (if there is one), and any notes.

To view transactions:

  1. Locate the record you want to view.

  2. Click the arrow to expand.

    Expand the record

To add points manually:

  1. Click the Adjust Reward Points Balance button.

    Add/Remove Reward Points button

    The Adjust Reward Points Balance pop-up window opens.

    Add/Remove Reward Points pop-up window
  2. In the pop-up, complete the form:

    • Reward Points - To add to the reward point balance, enter a positive number (300). To subtract from the reward point balance, enter a negative number (-300).

    • Description - Provide details for why you’re adding/removing points.

    • Available Date - Select a date with the calendar tool for when the points will post to the Associate’s account.

    • Expiration Date - Select a date with the calendar tool for when the points will no longer be available.

  3. Click Save Changes.

Negative Reward Points Adjustments

When you add a negative points adjustment, the points immediately deduct from the Associate’s account.

However, suppose you previously added points with an Available Date for the future by mistake. You won’t be able to use the preceding procedure because the points aren’t yet available.

The system stores point transactions in the CRM_RewardPoints table. To void mistakenly granted points, you can delete the transaction record all together using the Data Editor.

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