Enrollment Hooks

Namespace: DirectScale.Disco.Extension.Hooks.Associates.Enrollment


Get a Back Office ID, typically this is a 9-digit unique identifier for an Associate. by default, the system uses the Corporate Admin > Settings > Advanced Settings > Associate Types configuration.

Basic Implementation

public class GetNewBackOfficeId : IHook<SetBackOfficeIdHookRequest, SetBackOfficeIdHookResponse>
    public GetNewBackOfficeId() { }

    public SetBackOfficeIdHookResponse Invoke(SetBackOfficeIdHookRequest request, Func<SetBackOfficeIdHookRequest, SetBackOfficeIdHookResponse> func)
      return func(request);

Register Hook

services.AddTransient<IHook<SetBackOfficeIdHookRequest, SetBackOfficeIdHookResponse>, GetNewBackOfficeId>();

Request Model

  "AssociateId": 0,
  "AssociateBaseType": 0,
  "EnrollerId": 0

Response Model

  "BackOfficeId": "string"


Override the Associate creation in the system. A lot can be done with this Hook. It’s best practice to define the logic that happens before or after a large process. By default, the system creates the Associate, places them in a Tree, creates an AutoShip, places an order, creates a webalias, and creates a login.

Basic Implementation

public class WriteApplication : IHook<WriteApplicationHookRequest, WriteApplicationHookResponse>
    public WriteApplication() { }

    public WriteApplicationHookResponse Invoke(WriteApplicationHookRequest request, Func<WriteApplicationHookRequest, WriteApplicationHookResponse> func)
      return func(request);

Register Hook

services.AddTransient<IHook<WriteApplicationHookRequest, WriteApplicationHookResponse>, WriteApplication>();

Request Model

  "Application": {
    "Order": {
      "CurrencyCode": "string",
      "StoreId": 0,
      "OrderType": 0,
      "ShipMethod": 0,
      "KitItems": [
          "ItemId": 0,
          "Quantity": 0.0,
          "Cost": 0.0,
          "Disabled": false,
          "ExtendedPrice": 0.0,
          "ExtendedOriginalPrice": 0.0,
          "ExtendedBonus": 0.0,
          "ExtendedCV": 0.0,
          "ExtendedQV": 0.0,
          "ExtendedRewardPoints": 0.0,
          "ExtendedCost": 0.0,
          "ProductName": "string",
          "Description": "string",
          "Specifications": "string",
          "LanguageCode": "string",
          "SKU": "string",
          "Category": {
            "Id": 0,
            "Name": "string",
            "CategoryTranslations": [],
            "Description": "string",
            "DisplayIndex": 0.0,
            "ImageUrl": "string",
            "ParentId": 0,
            "ProductLineId": 0,
            "ShortDescription": "string",
            "StoreIds": [],
            "HasChildren": false
          "ChargeShipping": false,
          "Height": 0.0,
          "Image": "string",
          "Length": 0.0,
          "LengthUOM": "string",
          "MPN": "string",
          "PackCount": 0.0,
          "PackageGroupId": 0,
          "TaxClassId": 0,
          "UnitOfMeasure": "string",
          "UPC": "string",
          "Weight": 0.0,
          "WeightUOM": "string",
          "Width": 0.0,
          "FlagBirthDefects": false,
          "HasKitGroups": false,
          "FlagCancer": false,
          "PriceGroup": 0,
          "Custom": {
            "Field1": "string",
            "Field2": "string",
            "Field3": "string",
            "Field4": "string",
            "Field5": "string"
          "Images": [
              "Description": "string",
              "Path": "string"
          "Prices": [
              "GroupId": 0,
              "Price": 0.0,
              "PriceCurrency": "string",
              "OriginalPrice": 0.0,
              "Bonus": 0.0,
              "CV": 0.0,
              "QV": 0.0,
              "RewardPoints": 0.0
          "Options": [
              "OptionId": 0,
              "Option": "string"
          "ItemOptions": [
              "OptionId": 0,
              "Option": "string",
              "OptionType": 0,
              "Values": [
                  "Option": "string",
                  "SkuExt": "string"
          "Languages": [
              "Description": "string",
              "LanguageCode": "string",
              "ProductName": "string",
              "SEOKeywords": "string",
              "Specifications": "string"
          "OptionsMap": [
              "Key": "string",
              "Checked": false,
              "ItemId": 0,
              "Image": "string",
              "ExtSku": "string"
          "HasOptions": false,
          "Price": 0.0,
          "PriceCurrency": "string",
          "OriginalPrice": 0.0,
          "Bonus": 0.0,
          "CV": 0.0,
          "QV": 0.0,
          "RewardPoints": 0.0,
          "CouponsBeingUsed": 0,
          "PriceGroups": [
      "Items": [
          "ItemId": 0,
          "Quantity": 0.0,
          "Cost": 0.0,
          "Disabled": false,
          "ExtendedPrice": 0.0,
          "ExtendedOriginalPrice": 0.0,
          "ExtendedBonus": 0.0,
          "ExtendedCV": 0.0,
          "ExtendedQV": 0.0,
          "ExtendedRewardPoints": 0.0,
          "ExtendedCost": 0.0,
          "ProductName": "string",
          "Description": "string",
          "Specifications": "string",
          "LanguageCode": "string",
          "SKU": "string",
          "Category": {
            "Id": 0,
            "Name": "string",
            "CategoryTranslations": [],
            "Description": "string",
            "DisplayIndex": 0.0,
            "ImageUrl": "string",
            "ParentId": 0,
            "ProductLineId": 0,
            "ShortDescription": "string",
            "StoreIds": [],
            "HasChildren": false
          "ChargeShipping": false,
          "Height": 0.0,
          "Image": "string",
          "Length": 0.0,
          "LengthUOM": "string",
          "MPN": "string",
          "PackCount": 0.0,
          "PackageGroupId": 0,
          "TaxClassId": 0,
          "UnitOfMeasure": "string",
          "UPC": "string",
          "Weight": 0.0,
          "WeightUOM": "string",
          "Width": 0.0,
          "FlagBirthDefects": false,
          "HasKitGroups": false,
          "FlagCancer": false,
          "PriceGroup": 0,
          "Custom": {
            "Field1": "string",
            "Field2": "string",
            "Field3": "string",
            "Field4": "string",
            "Field5": "string"
          "Images": [
              "Description": "string",
              "Path": "string"
          "Prices": [
              "GroupId": 0,
              "Price": 0.0,
              "PriceCurrency": "string",
              "OriginalPrice": 0.0,
              "Bonus": 0.0,
              "CV": 0.0,
              "QV": 0.0,
              "RewardPoints": 0.0
          "Options": [
              "OptionId": 0,
              "Option": "string"
          "ItemOptions": [
              "OptionId": 0,
              "Option": "string",
              "OptionType": 0,
              "Values": [
                  "Option": "string",
                  "SkuExt": "string"
          "Languages": [
              "Description": "string",
              "LanguageCode": "string",
              "ProductName": "string",
              "SEOKeywords": "string",
              "Specifications": "string"
          "OptionsMap": [
              "Key": "string",
              "Checked": false,
              "ItemId": 0,
              "Image": "string",
              "ExtSku": "string"
          "HasOptions": false,
          "Price": 0.0,
          "PriceCurrency": "string",
          "OriginalPrice": 0.0,
          "Bonus": 0.0,
          "CV": 0.0,
          "QV": 0.0,
          "RewardPoints": 0.0,
          "CouponsBeingUsed": 0,
          "PriceGroups": [
      "Payments": [
          "Input1": "string",
          "Input2": "string",
          "Last4": "string",
          "CardType": "string",
          "InputMonth": 1,
          "InputYear": 1900,
          "SecurityCode": "string",
          "Address": {
            "Id": 0,
            "AddressLine1": "string",
            "AddressLine2": "string",
            "AddressLine3": "string",
            "City": "string",
            "State": "string",
            "PostalCode": "string",
            "CountryCode": "string"
          "MerchantId": 0,
          "Amount": 0.0,
          "CurrencyCode": "string",
          "OrderPaymentId": 0,
          "RedirectUrl": "string",
          "PaymentMethodId": "string",
          "ProfileType": 0,
          "FraudPreventionData": {
            "FraudPreventionId": "string",
            "FraudPreventionProviderId": "string",
            "FraudPreventionType": 0,
            "IpAddress": "string"
          "ExpireDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
      "Custom": {
        "Field1": "string",
        "Field2": "string",
        "Field3": "string",
        "Field4": "string",
        "Field5": "string"
    "Autoship": {
      "AutoshipId": 0,
      "AssociateId": 0,
      "ShipAddress": {
        "Id": 0,
        "AddressLine1": "string",
        "AddressLine2": "string",
        "AddressLine3": "string",
        "City": "string",
        "State": "string",
        "PostalCode": "string",
        "CountryCode": "string"
      "StartDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "Frequency": 0,
      "LastProcessDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "NextProcessDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "LastChargeAmount": 0.0,
      "Status": "string",
      "ShipMethodId": 0,
      "PaymentMethodId": "string",
      "PaymentMerchantId": 0,
      "Custom": {
        "Field1": "string",
        "Field2": "string",
        "Field3": "string",
        "Field4": "string",
        "Field5": "string"
      "AutoshipType": 0,
      "LineItems": [
          "ItemId": 0,
          "Quantity": 0.0,
          "Cost": 0.0,
          "Disabled": false,
          "ExtendedPrice": 0.0,
          "ExtendedOriginalPrice": 0.0,
          "ExtendedBonus": 0.0,
          "ExtendedCV": 0.0,
          "ExtendedQV": 0.0,
          "ExtendedRewardPoints": 0.0,
          "ExtendedCost": 0.0,
          "ProductName": "string",
          "Description": "string",
          "Specifications": "string",
          "LanguageCode": "string",
          "SKU": "string",
          "Category": {
            "Id": 0,
            "Name": "string",
            "CategoryTranslations": [],
            "Description": "string",
            "DisplayIndex": 0.0,
            "ImageUrl": "string",
            "ParentId": 0,
            "ProductLineId": 0,
            "ShortDescription": "string",
            "StoreIds": [],
            "HasChildren": false
          "ChargeShipping": false,
          "Height": 0.0,
          "Image": "string",
          "Length": 0.0,
          "LengthUOM": "string",
          "MPN": "string",
          "PackCount": 0.0,
          "PackageGroupId": 0,
          "TaxClassId": 0,
          "UnitOfMeasure": "string",
          "UPC": "string",
          "Weight": 0.0,
          "WeightUOM": "string",
          "Width": 0.0,
          "FlagBirthDefects": false,
          "HasKitGroups": false,
          "FlagCancer": false,
          "PriceGroup": 0,
          "Custom": {
            "Field1": "string",
            "Field2": "string",
            "Field3": "string",
            "Field4": "string",
            "Field5": "string"
          "Images": [
              "Description": "string",
              "Path": "string"
          "Prices": [
              "GroupId": 0,
              "Price": 0.0,
              "PriceCurrency": "string",
              "OriginalPrice": 0.0,
              "Bonus": 0.0,
              "CV": 0.0,
              "QV": 0.0,
              "RewardPoints": 0.0
          "Options": [
              "OptionId": 0,
              "Option": "string"
          "ItemOptions": [
              "OptionId": 0,
              "Option": "string",
              "OptionType": 0,
              "Values": [
                  "Option": "string",
                  "SkuExt": "string"
          "Languages": [
              "Description": "string",
              "LanguageCode": "string",
              "ProductName": "string",
              "SEOKeywords": "string",
              "Specifications": "string"
          "OptionsMap": [
              "Key": "string",
              "Checked": false,
              "ItemId": 0,
              "Image": "string",
              "ExtSku": "string"
          "HasOptions": false,
          "Price": 0.0,
          "PriceCurrency": "string",
          "OriginalPrice": 0.0,
          "Bonus": 0.0,
          "CV": 0.0,
          "QV": 0.0,
          "RewardPoints": 0.0,
          "CouponsBeingUsed": 0,
          "PriceGroups": [
      "FrequencyString": "string",
      "TotalCV": 0.0,
      "TotalQV": 0.0,
      "CurrencyCode": "string",
      "SubTotal": 0.0
    "RoutingInfo": {
      "MerchantId": "string",
      "BankId": "string",
      "BranchId": "string",
      "NameOnAccount": "string",
      "AccountNumber": "string"
    "AssociateId": 0,
    "IsAssociateUpgrade": false,
    "Custom": {
      "Field1": "string",
      "Field2": "string",
      "Field3": "string",
      "Field4": "string",
      "Field5": "string"
    "ProductLine": 0,
    "AcceptTerms": false,
    "FirstName": "string",
    "LastName": "string",
    "RomanizedFirstName": "string",
    "RomanizedLastName": "string",
    "LegalFirstName": "string",
    "LegalLastName": "string",
    "CompanyName": "string",
    "ExternalId": "string",
    "BackOfficeId": "string",
    "TaxId": "string",
    "BirthDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "SignupDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "PrimaryPhone": "string",
    "SecondaryPhone": "string",
    "TextNumber": "string",
    "SubscribeToCorporateEmails": false,
    "SubscribeToCorporateTexts": false,
    "EmailAddress": "string",
    "Username": "string",
    "Password": "string",
    "LanguageCode": "string",
    "ApplicantAddress": {
      "Id": 0,
      "AddressLine1": "string",
      "AddressLine2": "string",
      "AddressLine3": "string",
      "City": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "PostalCode": "string",
      "CountryCode": "string"
    "ShippingAddress": {
      "Id": 0,
      "AddressLine1": "string",
      "AddressLine2": "string",
      "AddressLine3": "string",
      "City": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "PostalCode": "string",
      "CountryCode": "string"
    "ShipToFirstName": "string",
    "ShipToLastName": "string",
    "AssociateBaseType": 0,
    "LegName": "string",
    "SponsorId": 0,
    "PartyId": 0,
    "Placements": [
        "Tree": 0,
        "Action": 0,
        "NodeDetail": {
          "NodeId": {
            "AssociateId": 0,
            "TreeIndex": 0
          "UplineId": {
            "AssociateId": 0,
            "TreeIndex": 0
          "UplineLeg": {
            "Value": ""
          "Level": 0
    "WebPageURL": "string",
    "WebPageItemId": 0,
    "CouponCodes": null,
    "StatusId": 0
  "SendEmails": false

Response Model

  "ApplicationResponse": {
    "PaymentStatus": {
      "PaymentType": "string",
      "AuthorizationCode": "string",
      "Response": "string",
      "ResponseId": "string",
      "TransactionNumber": "string",
      "ReferenceNumber": "string",
      "Status": 0,
      "Amount": 0.0,
      "Currency": "string",
      "Merchant": 0,
      "FraudPreventionId": "string",
      "FraudPreventionProviderId": null,
      "OrderNumber": 0,
      "Redirect": false,
      "RedirectURL": "string",
      "SpecialInstructionsURL": "string",
      "SavedPaymentId": null
    "AssociateId": 0,
    "BackOfficeId": "string"


Add or remove default validation for the Enrollment application.

Basic Implementation

public class ValidateApplication : IHook<ValidateApplicationHookRequest, ValidateApplicationHookResponse>
    public ValidateApplication() { }

    public ValidateApplicationHookResponse Invoke(ValidateApplicationHookRequest request, Func<ValidateApplicationHookRequest, ValidateApplicationHookResponse> func)
      return func(request);

Register Hook

services.AddTransient<IHook<ValidateApplicationHookRequest, ValidateApplicationHookResponse>, ValidateApplication>();

Request Model

  "Application": {
    "Order": {
      "CurrencyCode": "string",
      "StoreId": 0,
      "OrderType": 0,
      "ShipMethod": 0,
      "KitItems": [
          "ItemId": 0,
          "Quantity": 0.0,
          "Cost": 0.0,
          "Disabled": false,
          "ExtendedPrice": 0.0,
          "ExtendedOriginalPrice": 0.0,
          "ExtendedBonus": 0.0,
          "ExtendedCV": 0.0,
          "ExtendedQV": 0.0,
          "ExtendedRewardPoints": 0.0,
          "ExtendedCost": 0.0,
          "ProductName": "string",
          "Description": "string",
          "Specifications": "string",
          "LanguageCode": "string",
          "SKU": "string",
          "Category": {
            "Id": 0,
            "Name": "string",
            "CategoryTranslations": [],
            "Description": "string",
            "DisplayIndex": 0.0,
            "ImageUrl": "string",
            "ParentId": 0,
            "ProductLineId": 0,
            "ShortDescription": "string",
            "StoreIds": [],
            "HasChildren": false
          "ChargeShipping": false,
          "Height": 0.0,
          "Image": "string",
          "Length": 0.0,
          "LengthUOM": "string",
          "MPN": "string",
          "PackCount": 0.0,
          "PackageGroupId": 0,
          "TaxClassId": 0,
          "UnitOfMeasure": "string",
          "UPC": "string",
          "Weight": 0.0,
          "WeightUOM": "string",
          "Width": 0.0,
          "FlagBirthDefects": false,
          "HasKitGroups": false,
          "FlagCancer": false,
          "PriceGroup": 0,
          "Custom": {
            "Field1": "string",
            "Field2": "string",
            "Field3": "string",
            "Field4": "string",
            "Field5": "string"
          "Images": [
              "Description": "string",
              "Path": "string"
          "Prices": [
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              "Price": 0.0,
              "PriceCurrency": "string",
              "OriginalPrice": 0.0,
              "Bonus": 0.0,
              "CV": 0.0,
              "QV": 0.0,
              "RewardPoints": 0.0
          "Options": [
              "OptionId": 0,
              "Option": "string"
          "ItemOptions": [
              "OptionId": 0,
              "Option": "string",
              "OptionType": 0,
              "Values": [
                  "Option": "string",
                  "SkuExt": "string"
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              "LanguageCode": "string",
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          "UPC": "string",
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          "WeightUOM": "string",
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          "Custom": {
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            "Field2": "string",
            "Field3": "string",
            "Field4": "string",
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              "OriginalPrice": 0.0,
              "Bonus": 0.0,
              "CV": 0.0,
              "QV": 0.0,
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          "Options": [
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          "ItemOptions": [
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              "OptionType": 0,
              "Values": [
                  "Option": "string",
                  "SkuExt": "string"
          "Languages": [
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              "ProductName": "string",
              "SEOKeywords": "string",
              "Specifications": "string"
          "OptionsMap": [
              "Key": "string",
              "Checked": false,
              "ItemId": 0,
              "Image": "string",
              "ExtSku": "string"
          "HasOptions": false,
          "Price": 0.0,
          "PriceCurrency": "string",
          "OriginalPrice": 0.0,
          "Bonus": 0.0,
          "CV": 0.0,
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          "PriceGroups": [
      "Payments": [
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      "Custom": {
        "Field1": "string",
        "Field2": "string",
        "Field3": "string",
        "Field4": "string",
        "Field5": "string"
    "Autoship": {
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      "ShipAddress": {
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        "AddressLine2": "string",
        "AddressLine3": "string",
        "City": "string",
        "State": "string",
        "PostalCode": "string",
        "CountryCode": "string"
      "StartDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "Frequency": 0,
      "LastProcessDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "NextProcessDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "LastChargeAmount": 0.0,
      "Status": "string",
      "ShipMethodId": 0,
      "PaymentMethodId": "string",
      "PaymentMerchantId": 0,
      "Custom": {
        "Field1": "string",
        "Field2": "string",
        "Field3": "string",
        "Field4": "string",
        "Field5": "string"
      "AutoshipType": 0,
      "LineItems": [
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          "Quantity": 0.0,
          "Cost": 0.0,
          "Disabled": false,
          "ExtendedPrice": 0.0,
          "ExtendedOriginalPrice": 0.0,
          "ExtendedBonus": 0.0,
          "ExtendedCV": 0.0,
          "ExtendedQV": 0.0,
          "ExtendedRewardPoints": 0.0,
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          "ProductName": "string",
          "Description": "string",
          "Specifications": "string",
          "LanguageCode": "string",
          "SKU": "string",
          "Category": {
            "Id": 0,
            "Name": "string",
            "CategoryTranslations": [],
            "Description": "string",
            "DisplayIndex": 0.0,
            "ImageUrl": "string",
            "ParentId": 0,
            "ProductLineId": 0,
            "ShortDescription": "string",
            "StoreIds": [],
            "HasChildren": false
          "ChargeShipping": false,
          "Height": 0.0,
          "Image": "string",
          "Length": 0.0,
          "LengthUOM": "string",
          "MPN": "string",
          "PackCount": 0.0,
          "PackageGroupId": 0,
          "TaxClassId": 0,
          "UnitOfMeasure": "string",
          "UPC": "string",
          "Weight": 0.0,
          "WeightUOM": "string",
          "Width": 0.0,
          "FlagBirthDefects": false,
          "HasKitGroups": false,
          "FlagCancer": false,
          "PriceGroup": 0,
          "Custom": {
            "Field1": "string",
            "Field2": "string",
            "Field3": "string",
            "Field4": "string",
            "Field5": "string"
          "Images": [
              "Description": "string",
              "Path": "string"
          "Prices": [
              "GroupId": 0,
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              "PriceCurrency": "string",
              "OriginalPrice": 0.0,
              "Bonus": 0.0,
              "CV": 0.0,
              "QV": 0.0,
              "RewardPoints": 0.0
          "Options": [
              "OptionId": 0,
              "Option": "string"
          "ItemOptions": [
              "OptionId": 0,
              "Option": "string",
              "OptionType": 0,
              "Values": [
                  "Option": "string",
                  "SkuExt": "string"
          "Languages": [
              "Description": "string",
              "LanguageCode": "string",
              "ProductName": "string",
              "SEOKeywords": "string",
              "Specifications": "string"
          "OptionsMap": [
              "Key": "string",
              "Checked": false,
              "ItemId": 0,
              "Image": "string",
              "ExtSku": "string"
          "HasOptions": false,
          "Price": 0.0,
          "PriceCurrency": "string",
          "OriginalPrice": 0.0,
          "Bonus": 0.0,
          "CV": 0.0,
          "QV": 0.0,
          "RewardPoints": 0.0,
          "CouponsBeingUsed": 0,
          "PriceGroups": [
      "FrequencyString": "string",
      "TotalCV": 0.0,
      "TotalQV": 0.0,
      "CurrencyCode": "string",
      "SubTotal": 0.0
    "RoutingInfo": {
      "MerchantId": "string",
      "BankId": "string",
      "BranchId": "string",
      "NameOnAccount": "string",
      "AccountNumber": "string"
    "AssociateId": 0,
    "IsAssociateUpgrade": false,
    "Custom": {
      "Field1": "string",
      "Field2": "string",
      "Field3": "string",
      "Field4": "string",
      "Field5": "string"
    "ProductLine": 0,
    "AcceptTerms": false,
    "FirstName": "string",
    "LastName": "string",
    "RomanizedFirstName": "string",
    "RomanizedLastName": "string",
    "LegalFirstName": "string",
    "LegalLastName": "string",
    "CompanyName": "string",
    "ExternalId": "string",
    "BackOfficeId": "string",
    "TaxId": "string",
    "BirthDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "SignupDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "PrimaryPhone": "string",
    "SecondaryPhone": "string",
    "TextNumber": "string",
    "SubscribeToCorporateEmails": false,
    "SubscribeToCorporateTexts": false,
    "EmailAddress": "string",
    "Username": "string",
    "Password": "string",
    "LanguageCode": "string",
    "ApplicantAddress": {
      "Id": 0,
      "AddressLine1": "string",
      "AddressLine2": "string",
      "AddressLine3": "string",
      "City": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "PostalCode": "string",
      "CountryCode": "string"
    "ShippingAddress": {
      "Id": 0,
      "AddressLine1": "string",
      "AddressLine2": "string",
      "AddressLine3": "string",
      "City": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "PostalCode": "string",
      "CountryCode": "string"
    "ShipToFirstName": "string",
    "ShipToLastName": "string",
    "AssociateBaseType": 0,
    "LegName": "string",
    "SponsorId": 0,
    "PartyId": 0,
    "Placements": [
        "Tree": 0,
        "Action": 0,
        "NodeDetail": {
          "NodeId": {
            "AssociateId": 0,
            "TreeIndex": 0
          "UplineId": {
            "AssociateId": 0,
            "TreeIndex": 0
          "UplineLeg": {
            "Value": ""
          "Level": 0
    "WebPageURL": "string",
    "WebPageItemId": 0,
    "CouponCodes": null,
    "StatusId": 0

Response Model



Check if an email address is still available.

See an example

Basic Implementation

public class IsEmailAvailable : IHook<IsEmailAvailableHookRequest, IsEmailAvailableHookResponse>
    public IsEmailAvailable() { }

    public IsEmailAvailableHookResponse Invoke(IsEmailAvailableHookRequest request, Func<IsEmailAvailableHookRequest, IsEmailAvailableHookResponse> func)
      return func(request);

Register Hook

services.AddTransient<IHook<IsEmailAvailableHookRequest, IsEmailAvailableHookResponse>, IsEmailAvailable>();

Request Model

  "EmailAddress": "string"

Response Model

  "IsAvailable": false


Check if Tax ID is still available.

Basic Implementation

public class IsTaxIdAvailable : IHook<IsTaxIdAvailableHookRequest, IsTaxIdAvailableHookResponse>
    public IsTaxIdAvailable() { }

    public IsTaxIdAvailableHookResponse Invoke(IsTaxIdAvailableHookRequest request, Func<IsTaxIdAvailableHookRequest, IsTaxIdAvailableHookResponse> func)
      return func(request);

Register Hook

services.AddTransient<IHook<IsTaxIdAvailableHookRequest, IsTaxIdAvailableHookResponse>, IsTaxIdAvailable>();

Request Model

  "TaxId": "string"

Response Model

  "Available": false


Allow the client to decide which Associate Base Types can be changed. By default, the system only validates if the Associate is in the system and is a Base Type of 2.

Basic Implementation

public class UpdateAssociateBaseType : IHook<UpdateAssociateBaseTypeHookRequest, UpdateAssociateBaseTypeHookResponse>
    public UpdateAssociateBaseType() { }

    public UpdateAssociateBaseTypeHookResponse Invoke(UpdateAssociateBaseTypeHookRequest request, Func<UpdateAssociateBaseTypeHookRequest, UpdateAssociateBaseTypeHookResponse> func)
      return func(request);

Register Hook

services.AddTransient<IHook<UpdateAssociateBaseTypeHookRequest, UpdateAssociateBaseTypeHookResponse>, UpdateAssociateBaseType>();

Request Model

  "AssociateId": 0,
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      "StoreId": 0,
      "OrderType": 0,
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          "Height": 0.0,
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          "LengthUOM": "string",
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          "UnitOfMeasure": "string",
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          "WeightUOM": "string",
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          "FlagCancer": false,
          "PriceGroup": 0,
          "Custom": {
            "Field1": "string",
            "Field2": "string",
            "Field3": "string",
            "Field4": "string",
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              "Path": "string"
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              "Bonus": 0.0,
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              "Values": [
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                  "SkuExt": "string"
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              "Image": "string",
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          "Price": 0.0,
          "PriceCurrency": "string",
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      "Items": [
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          "Cost": 0.0,
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          "ExtendedOriginalPrice": 0.0,
          "ExtendedBonus": 0.0,
          "ExtendedCV": 0.0,
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          "ProductName": "string",
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          "UPC": "string",
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          "WeightUOM": "string",
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            "Field3": "string",
            "Field4": "string",
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              "Option": "string"
          "ItemOptions": [
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              "Values": [
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                  "SkuExt": "string"
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              "LanguageCode": "string",
              "ProductName": "string",
              "SEOKeywords": "string",
              "Specifications": "string"
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      "Payments": [
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      "Custom": {
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        "Field2": "string",
        "Field3": "string",
        "Field4": "string",
        "Field5": "string"
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      "AssociateId": 0,
      "ShipAddress": {
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        "AddressLine2": "string",
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        "City": "string",
        "State": "string",
        "PostalCode": "string",
        "CountryCode": "string"
      "StartDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "Frequency": 0,
      "LastProcessDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "NextProcessDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
      "LastChargeAmount": 0.0,
      "Status": "string",
      "ShipMethodId": 0,
      "PaymentMethodId": "string",
      "PaymentMerchantId": 0,
      "Custom": {
        "Field1": "string",
        "Field2": "string",
        "Field3": "string",
        "Field4": "string",
        "Field5": "string"
      "AutoshipType": 0,
      "LineItems": [
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          "Cost": 0.0,
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            "Name": "string",
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            "Description": "string",
            "DisplayIndex": 0.0,
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            "StoreIds": [],
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          "LengthUOM": "string",
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          "UnitOfMeasure": "string",
          "UPC": "string",
          "Weight": 0.0,
          "WeightUOM": "string",
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          "Custom": {
            "Field1": "string",
            "Field2": "string",
            "Field3": "string",
            "Field4": "string",
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              "RewardPoints": 0.0
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              "Option": "string"
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              "Values": [
                  "Option": "string",
                  "SkuExt": "string"
          "Languages": [
              "Description": "string",
              "LanguageCode": "string",
              "ProductName": "string",
              "SEOKeywords": "string",
              "Specifications": "string"
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      "TotalCV": 0.0,
      "TotalQV": 0.0,
      "CurrencyCode": "string",
      "SubTotal": 0.0
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      "MerchantId": "string",
      "BankId": "string",
      "BranchId": "string",
      "NameOnAccount": "string",
      "AccountNumber": "string"
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    "IsAssociateUpgrade": false,
    "Custom": {
      "Field1": "string",
      "Field2": "string",
      "Field3": "string",
      "Field4": "string",
      "Field5": "string"
    "ProductLine": 0,
    "AcceptTerms": false,
    "FirstName": "string",
    "LastName": "string",
    "RomanizedFirstName": "string",
    "RomanizedLastName": "string",
    "LegalFirstName": "string",
    "LegalLastName": "string",
    "CompanyName": "string",
    "ExternalId": "string",
    "BackOfficeId": "string",
    "TaxId": "string",
    "BirthDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "SignupDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "PrimaryPhone": "string",
    "SecondaryPhone": "string",
    "TextNumber": "string",
    "SubscribeToCorporateEmails": false,
    "SubscribeToCorporateTexts": false,
    "EmailAddress": "string",
    "Username": "string",
    "Password": "string",
    "LanguageCode": "string",
    "ApplicantAddress": {
      "Id": 0,
      "AddressLine1": "string",
      "AddressLine2": "string",
      "AddressLine3": "string",
      "City": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "PostalCode": "string",
      "CountryCode": "string"
    "ShippingAddress": {
      "Id": 0,
      "AddressLine1": "string",
      "AddressLine2": "string",
      "AddressLine3": "string",
      "City": "string",
      "State": "string",
      "PostalCode": "string",
      "CountryCode": "string"
    "ShipToFirstName": "string",
    "ShipToLastName": "string",
    "AssociateBaseType": 0,
    "LegName": "string",
    "SponsorId": 0,
    "PartyId": 0,
    "Placements": [
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        "Action": 0,
        "NodeDetail": {
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            "AssociateId": 0,
            "TreeIndex": 0
          "UplineId": {
            "AssociateId": 0,
            "TreeIndex": 0
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            "Value": ""
          "Level": 0
    "WebPageURL": "string",
    "WebPageItemId": 0,
    "CouponCodes": null,
    "StatusId": 0
  "SendEmails": false

Response Model

  "ApplicationResponse": {
    "PaymentStatus": {
      "PaymentType": "string",
      "AuthorizationCode": "string",
      "Response": "string",
      "ResponseId": "string",
      "TransactionNumber": "string",
      "ReferenceNumber": "string",
      "Status": 0,
      "Amount": 0.0,
      "Currency": "string",
      "Merchant": 0,
      "FraudPreventionId": "string",
      "FraudPreventionProviderId": null,
      "OrderNumber": 0,
      "Redirect": false,
      "RedirectURL": "string",
      "SpecialInstructionsURL": "string",
      "SavedPaymentId": null
    "AssociateId": 0,
    "BackOfficeId": "string"


Enable/disable notifications or only notify some people/groups. By default, notifications are for all.

Basic Implementation

public class GetShouldSendNotification : IHook<ShouldSendNotificationHookRequest, ShouldSendNotificationHookResponse>
  public GetShouldSendNotification() { }

  public ShouldSendNotificationHookResponse Invoke(ShouldSendNotificationHookRequest request, Func<ShouldSendNotificationHookRequest, ShouldSendNotificationHookResponse> func)
    return func(request);

Register Hook

services.AddTransient<IHook<ShouldSendNotificationHookRequest, ShouldSendNotificationHookResponse>, GetShouldSendNotification>();

Request Model

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      "OrderType": 0,
      "ShipMethod": 0,
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          "Image": "string",
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