Web Office Team Chat

The Web Office features an internal messaging option called Team Chat.

Team Chat side panel

Viewing Chat History

An Associate can view their previous chat history with team members and continue with the conversation by selecting the Associate’s name under RECENT.

Chat history
  Team Chat history older than 90 days is not stored.

Mark All Unread Chats As Read

If you have a lot of unread chat messages and want to mark them all as read, click on the 3 dots next to the recent/unread tabs, then choose MARK ALL AS READ. You will be prompted to confirm this action


Starting a New Conversation

  1. Click the icon from the header to open.

    Chat bubble icon opens the Team Chat panel
  2. To initiate a new conversation, click the button.

  3. A New Chat panel opens.

    New Chat panel
  4. Search for the team member they want to send the message. They can add multiple recipients if needed.

    Search for team members
      This will send an individual message to each team member (one-way communication). Group messaging is not supported at this time.
  5. Enter the message in the Type a Message field.

  6. Attach any resources by clicking the icon.

  7. Click SEND to send the message.

Attaching Resources

To attach a resource to the chat:

  1. Click the icon.

    The Attachment pop-up window mimics the Documents and Media page.

    Attachment pop-up window
  2. Browse the categories to find the necessary resource.

    Browse the folders
  3. Select the resource from the folder, then select it again.

    Select resource again
  4. Click the ATTACH button to attach the resource to the chat and close the pop-up.

    ATTACH button
  5. The resource attaches to the chat.

    Attached resource

    Click to remove.

Messaging Offline Associates

There is a small disclaimer in the message composer that reads:

{Associate name} is not currently online and will receive this chat message via text or email according to their preference.

Offline disclaimer

If the recipient is online (logged in to the Web Office), they can immediately message back through Team Chat.

You can see if a team member is online if they have a green dot by their name.

Green Online indicator

The disclaimer’s preferences are the notification settings for offline messages in the Associate’s Web Office (Settings > Communication). They can choose to receive these messages via text or email.

Web Office communication preferences

If the Associate selects to receive these messages via email or text, they can respond immediately through those channels. This will send the message back to the Web Office chat, keeping the conversation going without logging in.

Opening a Chat from the Team Dashboard

Select a team member from the sidebar to view the team member's Team Dashboard. The Associate can send a message directly to that team member by hovering over the chat bubble icon on the page and clicking the Chat option.

Chat icon in Team Dashboard
Chat option

When the Email option is selected, your device’s preferred email application will open and populate the team members' email addresses in the To field.

Email option in Team Dashboard

Other Messaging Options

Some additional options to send messages directly to team members:

  • Marketing Sites Widget - Associates can send their marketing site URL directly to an existing/potential team member or customer.

  • The Sponsor/Enroller Widget offers a link to send a message directly to their sponsor/enroller.

  • Contact info Widget - You can find the team member’s phone number and email in this widget.

    Contact Info Widget
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