Adding Social Network Links to Your eCommerce Shop

Admin: eCommerce Admin
Page: Retail Shop Configuration > Social Links Share
Permission: Social Links Share

Social media engagement is the backbone of the modern direct sales industry. The Social Links Share page makes it easy to connect your social media platforms to your eCommerce Shop. Social links appear in the footer of the eCommerce Shop.

To add a social link:


    The Add Social Link pop-up window opens.

    Add Social Link pop-up window
  2. In the pop-up, enter a Name.

    This can be anything, but for semantic purposes, it is recommended to be the name of the social network you wish to link.

  3. Click the Type dropdown and select a social network.

  4. Type the URL of your social network profile in the Link URL field.

    URLs must being with http(s):// (for example,

  5. Assign a color by typing a hexadecimal color value (for example, #ffffff) in the Tile Background Color field.

  6. Click the Published toggle on to publish now after saving the configuration.

  7. The rest of the settings are Multi-Faceted Configuration (MFC). Enter your specific configurations for who can view them.

  8. Click SAVE.

    If published and configured correctly, the link will appear with any other added social links in the footer of the eCommerce Shop.

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