Adding Tax Classes

Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Settings > Company Settings > Sales Tax
Permission: ViewAdministration()

The Sales Tax page contains the codes that the tax provider supplies (Squire, Avalara, etc.). These sales tax codes are used when setting up inventory items. When the items are purchased, the code is communicated back to the provider, and the proper tax amount is charged to the item.

The default tax classes available are for Squire. If your tax provider of choice is Squire, you don’t need to change anything except add any more classes and codes as necessary.

For every other provider, you do one of the following options:

  • Edit the tax classes and change the tax codes to the ones supplied by your tax provider.

  • Delete the Squire tax classes and then add the tax classes and codes supplied by your tax provider.

Obtaining Tax Codes


Avalara Tax Code page


TaxJar Developers page

Adding Tax Classes

  1. Click the Add Tax Class button.

    The Tax Class pop-up window opens.

    Tax Class pop-up
  2. Enter tax class Name and Description.

  3. Enter provided Tax Code.

  4. Click Save.

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