Admin: Web Office Admin
Page: Advanced Settings > Settings
Permission: Setup Settings
The Web Office Admin’s Settings Page holds many features for additional features and customizations. This reference will help you to understand more about each of the settings and how they function.
Read more: You can edit any Localization String on the Content Management > Localization page.
Tip: Press CtrlF on your keyboard, and type the name of the setting for easy finding.
Setting Name | Description | Localization String |
Abuse Email | In the Web Office Community page and Community widget, Associates can flag inappropriate comments. When a comment is flagged, an email gets triggered and sent to the email address added to this field. |
N/A |
Report Center
Setting Name | Description | Localization String |
IsAllowExportReport | This enables the ability to export reports with the Report Center page. |
global_export |
LoadDefaultReport | The Report Center loads the first personal report on the left sidebar automatically. If the logged in user doesn't have any saved personal reports, it will load the first Quick Report. If there are no personal reports or quick reports it will behave as if the setting is disabled. If disabled, when an Associate navigates to their Report Center in Web Office, they will see the following screen and have to select a report to view: |
N/A |
Setting Name | Description | Localization String |
IsShowTeamTab | Displays the Team tab in the Web Office Notification pop-up. |
team_ |
IsShowProspectTab | Displays the Prospects tab in the Web Office Notification pop-up. |
prospects |
IsShowCommunityTab | Displays the Community tab in the Web Office Notification pop-up. |
community |
IsShowRankAdvancementTab | Displays the Rank Advancement tab in the Web Office Notification pop-up. |
rank_advancement |
Setting Name | Description | Localization String |
ShouldLanguageDropdownVisiable | Shows the Language dropdown in the Web Office Login page and the Settings pop-up when the profile image is clicked. |
sel_language |
IsAllowEditBirthDate | Allows an Associate to edit their birth date in the Web Office Settings page under the Account section in the Personal Info field. The Associate won’t be able to edit their birth date on the page. |
birthday |
IsShowCouponConfirmation | If no coupons are selected in the Web Office Place Order page, and the PROCEED TO CHECKOUT button is clicked, a confirmation pop-up will appear to ensure the Associate wants to proceed. |
NoRewardConfirm_AreYouSure |
IsShowVolumeLabel | Displays the QV in the Place Order page. This amount displays underneath the price of the Product Boxes and under the item price of the Cart Slider pop-up. It also displays this value in the Order Checkout page in a column to the left of the Price Column. Lastly, it displays the Unit QV column in the Web Office Invoice page. |
Global_volumelabel - Affects the text in the Place Order page and Order Checkout page. Generally, it has a text entry of {{value}} to make it dynamic and add in the system’s configured QV values, but you can add the additional text before and after this value.Volume_Label - Affects the Unit QV text that appears on the Web Office Invoice page. |
IsShowUnitCV | Displays the Unit CV Column in the Web Office Invoice page. |
unit_CV |
VisaComplianceAgreements | Allows the Cancellation and Refund and Terms of Sale checkboxes in the Web Office Checkout and AutoShip Editor Checkout pages. Likewise, when the TermsandConditionsforCustomers_Autoship, TermsandConditionsforDistributors_Autoship,TermsandConditionsforCustomers_Order, and TermsandConditionsforDistributors_Order settings are configured correctly, this toggle makes the terms and conditions checkboxes they correlate with visible in the AutoShip Editor Checkout page and Web Office Checkout page. |
visa_cancellation_and_refund & visa_terms_of_sale |
Address1CharacterLimit | Determines the character limit for the first Address Line where it appears. It’s recommended to make the limit 80, as many third-party logistics providers have this character limit. | N/A |
Address2CharacterLimit | Determines the character limit for the second Address Line where it appears. It’s recommended to make the limit 80, as many third-party logistics providers have this character limit. | N/A |
CityCharacterLimit | Determines the character limit for Cities where they are added. It’s recommended to make the limit 30, as many third-party logistics providers have this character limit. | N/A |
Setting Name | Description | Localization String |
IsShowDeleteButton | Shows the DELETE button when editing an AutoShip in the Manage Autoship page. |
autoship_delete |
AllowMultipleAutoship | Shows the button in the Manage Autoship page. |
N/A |
TermsandConditionsforCustomers_Autoship | Determines who can see the Terms and Conditions checkbox in the AutoShip Editor Checkout page. It is recommended to choose Retail Associate and Preferred Customer Only in this dropdown. Important: This dropdown needs the VisaComplianceAgreements setting in the Global section to be enabled to make these configurations visible on the page. |
visa_terms_and_conditions_customer |
TermsandConditionsforDistributors_Autoship | Determines who can see the Terms and Conditions checkbox in the AutoShip Editor Checkout page. It’s recommended to select Distributor in this dropdown. Important: This dropdown needs the VisaComplianceAgreements setting in the Global section to be enabled to make these configurations visible on the page. |
visa_terms_and_conditions_distributor |
Setting Name | Description | Localization String |
IsAllowResetPasswordByEmailId | Adds the option to reset the login password by entering an Email address on the Web Office Login page. |
fg_mail Note: It’s recommended to add Email as an option to the String having_login_trouble_description . |
IsAllowResetPasswordByCustomerId | Adds the option to reset the login password by entering a Customer ID in the Web Office Login page. |
fg_custid Note: It’s recommended to add Customer ID as an option to the string having_login_trouble_description . |
ResetEmailSenderName | Determines the email address that displays for the email notification an Associate receives after resetting their password. | N/A |
Data Security
Setting Name | Description | Localization String |
IsDataSecurity | This toggle works in correlation with the Data Privacy page, turning on the filtering rules configured for that page. | N/A |
Setting Name | Description | Localization String |
Uses Reward Points | Turn on Reward Points functionality within the Web Office. Along with enabling that function, this toggle enables a section on the Your Order slider pop-up in the Web Office Order Checkout page displaying the total number of reward points the Associate has. Note: Logout and re-enter the Web Office for changes to take effect. |
OrderProductList_PointsRemaining |
Max points per Order | This determines the limit of reward points used for orders made with the Web Office Order Checkout page. Note: if left blank or if 0 is the value added, it does not mean Associates can use unlimited points, it means 0 points can be used. |
N/A |
Setting Name | Description | Localization String |
TermsandConditionsforCustomers_Order | Determines who can see the Terms and Conditions checkbox on the Web Office Order Checkout page. It’s recommended to select Retail Associate and Preferred Customer Only in this dropdown. Important: This dropdown needs the toggle VisaComplianceAgreements in the Global section to be enabled to make these configurations visible on the page. |
visa_terms_and_conditions_customer |
TermsandConditionsforDistributors_Autoship | Determines who can see the Terms and Conditions checkbox on the Web Office Order Checkout page. It’s recommended to select Distributor in this dropdown. Important: This dropdown needs the toggle VisaComplianceAgreements in the Global section to be enabled to make these configurations visible on the page. |
visa_terms_and_conditions_distributor |
Setting Name | Description | Localization String |
IsShowOrderSpecialInstructions | Shows the SpecialInstructions field (the "Note" on an order) in the Notes section of the order invoice in the Web Office. | N/A |
HideCoupons | Prevents the Coupon(s) Used on the order from displaying in the Notes section of the order invoice in the Web Office. | N/A |
Setting Name | Description | Localization String |
ShowRMAButton | Shows the RETURN ITEMS button on the Order Details page allowing Associates to initiate the return merchandise authorization (RMA) process from within the Web Office. |
return_items |
Setting Name | Description | Localization String |
Hide Payment Methods | Hides the payment methods selected from the Payment Card dropdown in the Web Office Order Checkout page and AutoShip Editor Checkout page. |
N/A |
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