Uploading Files and Assets in Web Office Admin

Admin: Web Office Admin
Page: Advanced Settings > Miscellaneous
URL: [CLIENTID].admin.directscale.com/#/MiscellaneousSetup
Permission: Setup Miscellaneous

If you need somewhere to host internal files and assets, you’ll find the Amazon Web Services section useful. Uploading the files in this section generates a URL that you can use to develop and customize your Web Office.

This tool is also available for the eCommerce Shop: Uploading Files and Assets in eCommerce Admin.

Uploading Files

  1. Under the Upload Files section, click SELECT FILE.

    SELECT FILE button

    Your computer’s file finder window opens. Navigate to and select your file.

    Note: You can select multiple files at once to upload files in bulk. Refresh the page to see the individual files uploaded.

  2. In the File Description field, enter a name or description for the file.

  3. Click the icon to upload your file.

    Upload file

Uploaded files are sorted in a table.

  • You can copy the file’s URL by clicking the icon.
  • Delete the file by clicking the icon.

Entering Your Own Amazon Web Services Credentials

If you would like to add your own AWS credentials:

  1. Expand the Amazon Web Services section.

    Expand Amazon Web Services section
  2. You’ll notice the InternalImages box that contains a DirectScale owned Amazon Web Services (AWS) bucket configuration.

    InternalImages bucket
  3. Click the button to open the Add AWS pop-up window, where you can enter your account information.

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