Compensation Plan Types and Tree Structures

This article provides a brief overview of the different compensation plan types and their Tree structures used within the Platform.


The main facet of a Binary plan is that each Associate can only directly enroll two people.

Basic Binary structure

The next level can then enroll two people, and so it goes. However, it is possible that an Associate can sponsor more than two people, but they have to place the new enrollee further down the Tree in the next available spot.

Enrollee placement

This creates what is known as Legs: a Right Leg and a Left Leg. Typically, one of the outer legs begins to develop more and is referred to as the Strong Leg (the leg that gains more volume); the other leg being the Weak Leg.

Strong Leg


Unilevel plans are meant to be simple, functioning with one business level. All enrollees are placed on the same level below their sponsor. Each level is assigned a commission percentage. Depending on your compensation plan rules, an Associate can collect their percentage from the different levels below them even though they only personally sponsored the first level.

Unilevel Tree

Unilevel plans are enormously flexible, allowing you to create a unique compensation plan for your company.


Unlike the Unilevel plan, a Matrix has a fixed width and depth. An Associate can only sponsor a specified number of people on their first level and a limited amount of levels below them.

An example of a Matrix depth is a 3x3. The top Associate can only sponsor three people on their first level:

Matrix Tree Level 1

Each one of the Level 1 Associates can sponsor three people:

Matrix Tree Level 2

Who then can each sponsor three people:

Matrix Tree Level 3

Now the 3x3 Matrix Tree has:

  • Three Associates on Level 1

  • Nine Associates on Level 2

  • 27 Associates on Level 3


Compensation plans are a complicated business, and they rely on these Tree structures—possibly using a combination of or even all of them.

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