Localizing Web Office Navigation Links

Dynamic localization is a powerful tool. The DirectScale Platform manages localization with String Keys that you assign Text Values for every configured language. To keep consistent translation across the Platform, you can extend this localization feature to your added Web Office navigation links.

This feature is also available for the eCommerce Shop: Localizing eCommerce Shop Navigation Links.

Adding a String Key to a Navigation Link

Admin: Web Office Admin
Page: Web Office Configuration > Site Navigation
URL: [CLIENTID].admin.directscale.com/#/Navigation
Permission: Site Navigation

For each added navigation link:

  1. Click the icon. The Edit Link pop-up window opens.

    Edit Link
  2. Replace the Link Name with a String Key of your choice. String Keys are typically formatted in lowercase letters and underscores (_) for spaces. For example, who_we_are.

    Edit Link pop-up

    Important: Search for the intended String Key name on the Localization page to ensure it’s unique.

  3. Click SAVE.

Read more: Adding Web Office Navigation Links

Adding a String Key to Localization

The next step is to add the String Key to the Localization page and assign Text Values for each language. There’s no way to add a String Key to the Web Office Admin Localization page. However, our Customer Care team can add any intended String Key you need for you.

    1. Click the Help button to contact Customer Care. This button can be located in the lower right-hand corner of the window. 
Help button

Adding Text Values for Languages

Admin: Web Office Admin
Page: Content Management > Localization
URL: [CLIENTID].admin.directscale.com/#/Localization
Permission: Strings

On the Localization page:

  1. Search for your String Key added by Customer Care.
  2. Click the Edit icon. The Edit String pop-up window opens.
  3. Enter the Text Value for each language.
  4. Click SAVE.
  5. For changes to be visible now.

If you have the Web Office open in a different tab, refresh the page to see your changes.

Read more: Web Office Localization

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