Associate Start Date is the date their Associate Type was changed, either by upgrading to a Distributor Type, enrolling in an AutoShip, or manual change by a Corporate Admin via the Edit Associate page.
This Start Date is separate from the Enrollment Date. The Enrollment Date is when an Associate first created an account in the system, while the Start Date is when they were assigned an Associate Type. These dates will initially match but will differ if the Associate’s Type is changed.
Enabling Start Date Tracking for Associate Types
Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Settings > Advanced Settings > Associate Types
Permission: ViewAdministration(), ViewAdvancedSettings()
For the system to track an Associate Start Date, you must enable it for each relevant Associate Type. You can do this while adding new Associate Types, or go back and edit existing ones.
To edit an Associate Type:
Click the Edit button on the Associate Type whose start date you want to track. The Edit Associate Type pop-up window opens.
Check the Track Start Date checkbox to enable the feature.
Click Save.
Displaying the Associate Start Date in their Account Summary
Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Settings > Advanced Settings > Associates CRM
Permission: ViewAdministration(), ViewAdvancedSettings()
You have the option to display the Start Date on the Associate’s Detail page.
To do so:
Locate the CRM section, then check the Associate Start Date checkbox to enable.
Click Save Changes.
Editing Associate Start Date
Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Associates > Search Associates > Associate Detail > Edit Associate
Permission: EditAssociate()
You can edit an Associate’s Start Date manually by editing an Associate’s account.
To do so:
Navigate to an Associate’s Detail page and click Edit Associate.
Locate the Associate Start Date field and edit the date. Date format must be "mm/dd/yyyy".
Click Save Changes.
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