Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Associates > Search Associates > Associate Detail
Permission: EditAssociate()
The Associate Detail page is the account record profile for an Associate. From here, you can view an Associate’s stats, orders, commissions, and trees for example.
Viewing Customer ID and DirectScale ID
Next to an Associate’s name is the Customer ID (the Associate’s Back Office ID) and the DirectScale ID (otherwise known as the Associate ID).
/Associates Overview/Viewing an Associate’s Detail Summary/CA-ViewingCustomerID.png)
Associate Management Options
Edit, Impersonate, or Shop
Located in the upper right-hand corner of the Associate Detail page, you can choose to edit an Associate's profile, impersonate an Associate's website, or place an order within the corporate shop.
/Associates Overview/Viewing an Associate’s Detail Summary/CA-Edit-Impersonate-Shop.png)
Click each link above for more information.
Button Bar
The Button Bar gives you quick access to several of the following key features:
/Associates Overview/Viewing an Associate’s Detail Summary/CA-ButtonBar.png)
- Summary
- Order History
- AutoShips & Subscriptions
- Parties
- Rank
- Commissions
- Coupons
- Trees
- Login & Websites
Utilize the menu button located within the Button Bar to view additional options:
/Associates Overview/Viewing an Associate’s Detail Summary/CA-ButtonBarMenu.png)
Click each link above for more information.
Associate Information
The Associate Information section provides an at-a-glance summary of the Associate.
/Associates Overview/Viewing an Associate’s Detail Summary/CA-AssociateInformation.png)
- Profile Image - Pulled in from their Web Office.
If you want to change the default Associate profile image, contact Customer Care. -
Associate’s Full Name
Associate Account Status - Learn more about Associate statuses.
Associate Type - Learn more about Associate Types.
You can configure the Associate Types. See Adding Associate Types to learn how. - ID Number - The Associate’s unique Customer ID.
- Enrollment Date
- Email Address
Phone Number
- Preferred Language
You can also enable the Start Date (the date they became their current Associate Type) to display. Read Tracking Associate Start Date to learn how.
/Associates Overview/Viewing an Associate’s Detail Summary/CA-Organization.png)
The Organization section displays where the Associate is immediately placed within their tree structure. You can select the corresponding Associate name to open their Associate Detail page.
If you have a Coding Tree, you can view and edit the coding here. For more information, see Setting up the Coding Tree.
/Associates Overview/Viewing an Associate’s Detail Summary/CA-Coding.png)
Billing & Payments
/Associates Overview/Viewing an Associate’s Detail Summary/CA-BillingandPayments.png)
The Billing & Payment section displays information used for orders and commission payments.
Shipping Address - Associate Address where physical items are sent. Edit this information with the Edit Associate page.
Payment Merchant - View and assign the commission payment provider. If you support multiple payment methods, you can configure which way is used for the current commission period.
For more information, see Mapping Money Out Commission Merchants.
Commissions Status - Displays the commission status. Change the Associate’s commission status to one that has the desired Commission Class selected. Learn more in Changing Associate Statuses.
TaxID - This is the TaxID/FIN/SSN collected during enrollment. Edit this information using the Edit Associate page (TaxID/FIN/SSN field).
Tax Resale Number - If the Associate is tax-exempt, their information will display here.
/Associates Overview/Viewing an Associate’s Detail Summary/CA-Statistics.png)
The Statistics section displays all the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) achieved by the Associate. You determine these values in your compensation plan. Several of the KPIs are available in the Web Office Business Snapshot widget.
Use the Period Selector to change the period.
The displayed stats pull from the selected Stats Template.
For more information, see Stats and Projected Commissions Template Names
Are you a Binary type? Learn about Tracking Instant Rollover |
Account Activity
/Associates Overview/Viewing an Associate’s Detail Summary/CA-AccountActivity.png)
The Account Activity section features two tabs:
Service Log
Notification Log
For more information, see Using the Associate Service Log.
Group Volume History
/Associates Overview/Viewing an Associate’s Detail Summary/CA-GroupVolumeHistory.png)
The Group Volume History chart displays the total Group Volume (GV) obtained over the last 12 months (rolling 12-month period) compared with the previous 12 months. Hover your cursor over the graph to view the GV amounts for the current year compared to the year prior.
Custom Fields
/Associates Overview/Viewing an Associate’s Detail Summary/CA-CustomFields.png)
If you have Associate Custom Fields set up, they display in a Custom Fields section below the Account Activity.
For more information, see Custom Fields.
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