Editing Associates

Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Associates > Search Associates > Associate Detail > Edit Associate
URL: [CLIENTID].corpadmin.directscale.com/Corporate/CRM/EditAssociate?id=[ASSOCIATE_ID]
Permission: EditAssociate()

You can update Associate information after creation or enrollment.

To edit an Associate:

  1. In Corporate Admin, find and select an Associate to navigate to their Detail page.

  2. Click the button.

    Edit button

The following are the form field definitions:

Edit Associate page
  1. Display First and Last Name - The name that appears in the system.

  2. Romanized First and Last Name - Used in markets where local laws require Legal First Name to be hidden.
  3. Legal First and Last Name - Used in markets where local laws require Legal First Name to be hidden.
  4. Company Name - Associate’s company name.
  5. Birth Date - Associate’s birth date.

  6. Associate Type - Used to change the Associate’s customer type.
  7. Associate Start Date - Used to track the date the Associate was assigned an Associate Type.
      The Associate Start Date field will only appear if the feature has been enabled in the Advanced Settings. 
  8. Primary Phone - Associate's "daytime phone".
  9. Secondary Phone - Associate’s "evening phone".
  10. Text Number - Associate's "mobile number".
  11. E-Mail Address - Associate’s email address.
  12. Language - Preferred language set on the Associate’s account.
  13. Tax Exempt - Indicate tax-exempt status.
  14. Tax Resale Number - Also known as a reseller’s permit, reseller’s license, or sales tax identification number.
  15. TaxID/FIN/SSN - Associate’s TaxID, Federal Identification Number, or Social Security Number.

      Because this is a secure field, the number is hidden with asterisks except for the last four digits. To update the number in any way, you have to clear the field (including the asterisks) and enter the full number again. Updating the last four digits will not adequately update this field. 
  16. Associate and Shipping Address - The shipping address used for ordering. This could be a PO Box, separate from the Associate’s legal address.

      The Associate can update their Primary/Secondary Phone, Text Number, Email Address, and Address through their Web Office (Settings > Account > Personal Info widget); however, they will have to call in to change their Display First and Last Names and Shipping Address.
  17. Save Changes - Saves the changes entered into the applicable fields. 

  18. Cancel - Returns you to the Associate’s Detail page.
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