Adding Vendors

Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Settings > Inventory Settings > Vendors
Permission: ViewVendors()

You can add your vendor’s information to Corporate Admin. You can select a vendor when you create purchase orders and their information is added to the resulting purchase order invoice.

  When you add a purchase order, the system does not send any notification to the vendor. You are responsible for sending the purchase order to the applicable vendor for stock replenishment.

To add a vendor:

  1. Click the + Add Vendor button.

    The Vendor pop-up window opens.

    Vendor pop-up
  2. In the pop-up, enter the vendor’s contact information. There are no required fields.

  3. Click Save.

The pop-up closes and the vendor now appears in the Vendors list.

Vendors list

Now, when your warehouse needs replenishing, you can create a purchase order. Then send the purchase order to the vendor.

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