Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Settings > Company Settings > Associate Statuses
Permission: ViewAdministration()
If you need additional Associate statuses besides the defaults, you can add additional ones and define their effects when an Associate is changed to the status.
Add New Status
To add a new status:
Click the + Add Associate Status button.
The Add Associate Status pop-up window opens.
Enter a Name for the new Associate status.
Select which Status Class the new status falls under. Status Class is merely a way to group like statuses with similar effects on the system together. Outside of this organization, there is no additional functionality with this setting.
Select the Commission Status. Unlike Status Class, Commission Status directly affects if the Associate will get paid.
Pay - Associate will receive payment.
Hold - Commission payments are created but not sent. Once the Associate’s status changes to a status that permits payments, all of the held payments will be sent to the Associate.
Forfeit - Commission payments are not created for the Associate nor sent. Forfeited payments will never be made to the Associate even if their status changes in the future.
For more information, see: Reviewing and Adjusting Payables
Select Status change options. These are the system effects the status has on the Associate.
Delete Payments on File - Deletes any saved payment methods.
Cancel Subscriptions - Cancels any active Service Subscriptions.
Cancel AutoShip - Cancels any active AutoShips.
Delete Websites - Deletes eCommerce Shop URL.
Delete Login - Deletes username/password.
Remove from Enrollment Tree
Remove from Binary Tree
Remove from Matrix Tree
Remove from Unilevel Tree
With the Remove from {TREE NAME} Tree options, the Associate’s downline is rolled up to the Associate’s Sponsor.
These options were previously set with the GetStatusChangeOptions Hook. If the Hook is still active, you will not be able to select any of the checkboxes. You will have to configure these options in your Client DLL. You can remove the Hook to gain use of the UI. Contact Customer Care if you have any questions. Only someone with AngularJS web development experience should attempt modifications to your product code.
Click Save.
Edit Status
To modify a default or existing status:
Click the icon for the status you want to edit. The Edit "{STATUS CLASS}" Associate Status pop-up window opens.
Edit the applicable fields.
Click Save.
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