Razor Syntax Integration

Razor is a view engine supported in ASP.NET Model View Controller that allows you to mix HTML with server-side code using C#. DirectScale has integrated this syntax into the Custom Content Editor to create custom pages and widgets for the Web Office and eCommerce Shop.


You can use the following methods:

  • User - Inject user data
  • GetSsoURL - Allow for SSO linking
  • String - You can add a translatable string

How to Use

In a Custom Content Editor, such as creating custom pages in Web Office, precede Razor syntax with an @ sign.

In Web Office Admin, navigate to Code Customization > Custom Office Pages > Click ADD PAGE.

Custom Content Editor


Once you type your @ sign, the type-ahead feature will display the methods you can select:

Use your mouse cursor, press ENTER, or TAB to select from method menu

If you select the User method, a second menu will display a complete list of data point categories to select.

Data Point categories menu

User Method

Inject user data into the page. With this method, you can access any data you have on a user.

// Output: Welcome Sam Space from UT!

<p>Welcome @User.AssociateName from @User.AssociateAddressState!</p>

Data Point Categories

See a complete list: Data Point Categories

Logic-Determined Markup

All valid Razor markup will compile in an HTML widget. This includes conditionals and loops. To display a line of markup depending on the user’s rank, you might use a line like this:

For example:

@if(User.Rank == "Gold") { <p>You are a distributor. Your next rank isn't far away!</p> }
// Output: IsCurrentUser returns true if the
// logged-in user is viewing their own data.

@if (User.IsCurrentUser) { <div>Some Html</div> }
// Output: DownlineLevel(treeName) for the logged-in user’s specified tree
// (Enrollment, Placement, or Matrix) returns the downline level of the
// user whose data is being viewed. If the user is not in the
// logged-in user’s tree then it returns null.

@if (User.DownlineLevel("Placement")

GetSsoURL Method

You can use DirectScale’s standard outbound SSO.

To convert a URL to redirect through the DirectScale standard outbound SSO handler, use the Razor method’s GetSsoUrl method. This method accepts the redirect URL as an argument.

<a href='@GetSsoUrl("http://mysite.com?token={DirectScale:Token}")'>Click to go to mysite</a>

A URL will generate to DirectScale’s redirect handler, which will replace {DirectScale:Token} with a temporary SSO token and redirect to the given URL.

String Method

You can add a translatable string by using the String method. This method accepts the String as an argument.


This string will then be available for translation.

  1. Click the TRANSLATIONS tab to add translations.

  2. Click the Manage Translationssymbol to open the Manage Translations module.

    Manage Translations symbol
    Manage Translations module

Read more: Managing Translations in Web Office Admin

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