How do I remove Reward Points given to an Associate?
Deducting points from an Associate’s current balance is simple: just add a negative Reward Points adjustment. The following steps show how to do this.
Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Associates > Associate Detail > More > Reward Points
- Click the Adjust Reward Points Balance button.
- In the pop-up, enter a negative number in the Reward Points field.
- Enter a Description.
- Leave the Available Date as the default. Changing the date does not affect point deduction.
- For Expiration Date, select today.
- Click Save Changes.
When you add a negative points adjustment, the points immediately deduct from the Associate’s account.
However, suppose you previously added points with an Available Date for the future by mistake. You won’t be able to use the preceding procedure because the points aren’t yet available.
The system stores point transactions in the CRM_RewardPoints table. To void mistakenly granted points, you can delete the transaction record all together using the Data Editor.
Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Administration > Data Editor
Permission: EditSqlEditorAdvanced()
- Under the Visual tab, search for and select the CRM_RewardPoints table.
- If necessary, use the filters to find the record you want to remove.
- Click the checkbox for the row to delete.
- Click Delete Row.
Return to the Associate’s Detail Reward Points page, or impersonate their Web Office to confirm the deletion.
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