Reward Points are a form of digital currency you can award your Associates with to purchase products. There are two facets to Reward Points:
Paying for an order with points
Awarding points to an Associate
Turn on Reward Points in Web Office Admin
Admin: Web Office Admin
Page: Advanced Settings > Settings
Permission: Setup Settings
To use Reward Points, you must first turn them on in the Web Office Admin settings.
Expand the Shopping section.
Turn on the Uses Reward Points toggle.
In the Max Points Per Order field, set a maximum limit (for example, 1500) to the number of Reward Points an Associate can redeem for an order.
The specific number you enter is up to you; however, if the field is left blank, the system treats it as a 0, and an Associate can’t redeem Reward Points.
Click the SAVE button.
Enable the Reward Points Component in Corporate Admin
Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Settings > Advanced Settings > UI
Permission: ViewAdministration(), ViewAdvancedSettings()
In Corporate Admin, you need to enable the Reward Points component. This component turns on the various settings that make the Reward Points function.
To enable the Rewards Points Component:
Locate the Available Components section.
Select the Rewards Points checkbox.
Click the Save Changes button.
Allow Reward Points in Shopping Carts
Admin: Web Office Admin
Page: Advanced Settings > Carts
Permission: Setup Carts
For the Stores and Associate Types you want Reward Points available in, you must enable them in the Web Office Admin shopping carts.
On Advanced Settings > Carts:
Add a new shopping cart or edit an existing one.
In cart configuration, turn on the Allow Reward Points toggle.
Reward Points are not available for AutoShip orders. |
Configure Inventory Items to Use Rewards Points
Because Reward Points are a form of currency, your inventory item SKUs must have a set Reward Points price. The following sections detail the options you have to configure your SKUs for Reward Points.
Adding a Reward Points Price
Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Inventory > Products > Item Detail > Price and Discounts
Permission: ViewInventory()
Reward Points are a form of currency (RWD in the system). You must add an RWD currency amount for every inventory item you want Associates to purchase with their point balance.
On Inventory > Inventory Items:
For Price, enter how many Reward Points the item will cost.
For Currency Type, select Reward Points (RWD).
For Stores, choose Corporate and Wholesale.
Select any necessary Price Group, Regions, and Order Types. Each must correspond with the data selected in the shopping carts configuration in Web Office Admin.
Click Set Price.
Removing Non-Reward Points Zero Currency Amounts
Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Settings > Advanced Settings > General
Permission: ViewAdministration(), ViewAdvancedSettings
When you’re adding prices to your Reward Point inventory items, you have the option to have an actual currency price and one with Reward Points. The real currency will display next to the Reward Points currency in the shops.
For example:

Suppose you want some inventory items just to have a Reward Point price and no other real currency. Adding a Price Adjustment with only Reward Points will result in the actual currency showing as $0.00.
For example:

To hide zero currency amounts when using Reward Points, follow these steps:
Navigate to Settings > Advanced Settings > General.
Locate the Remove Non Reward Zero Amount Currencies checkbox.
Click the checkbox to enable.
Click Save Changes.
The item will now display only the Reward Points price.

Manually Add Reward Points to an Associate Account in Corporate Admin
Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Associates > Associate Detail > More > Reward Points
Associate Reward Points are stored in a ledger (CRM_RewardPointLedger). When an Associate purchase a product that grants points, the system updates their ledger with the new amount. If needed, you can add or deduct points manually in Corporate Admin.
The Reward Points page shows Reward Points awarded along with the available date, expiration date, amount, remaining balance, source (if there is one), and any notes.
To view transactions:
Locate the record you want to view.
Click the arrow to expand.
To add points manually:
Click the Adjust Reward Points Balance button.
The Adjust Reward Points Balance pop-up window opens.
In the pop-up, complete the form:
Reward Points - To add to the reward point balance, enter a positive number (300). To subtract from the reward point balance, enter a negative number (-300).
Description - Provide details for why you’re adding/removing points.
Available Date - Select a date with the calendar tool for when the points will post to the Associate’s account.
Expiration Date - Select a date with the calendar tool for when the points will no longer be available.
Click Save Changes.
Negative Reward Points Adjustments
When you add a negative points adjustment, the points immediately deduct from the Associate’s account.
However, suppose you previously added points with an Available Date for the future by mistake. You won’t be able to use the preceding procedure because the points aren’t yet available.
The system stores point transactions in the CRM_RewardPoints table. To void mistakenly granted points, you can delete the transaction record all together using the Data Editor.
Automatically Distribute Rewards Points From Orders
The system supports automatically distributing reward points to a user from qualified product orders. Meaning, if a user purchases a specific a product or products you can give them back reward points from that purchase automatically.
Enable Automatic Reward Points Distribution in Corporate Admin
Contact Customer Care to ensure that the "Order Reward Points" release toggle is enabled. This is required in order for automatic reward point distribution to work.
Adding a Reward Points Distribution Amount on Inventory
Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Inventory > Products > Item Detail > Price and Discounts
Permission: ViewInventory()
For each price line configuration you can add the amount of reward points the purchaser should be awarded by filling in the "Reward Points" field.
On Inventory > Inventory Items:
For Reward Points, enter how many Reward Points the purchaser of this item should be awarded.
- Fill in or adjust any other fields as needed.
Click Set Price.
Other Reward Points Distribution Methods
If your reward points rules require you to use any other methods or triggers of reward point distribution you may be able to accomplish that through a customization in your client custom code. Please reach out to your Professional Services partner for more information.
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