DS Russell K
I'm a DirectScale developer, and I am happy to welcome you to the DS community!
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Latest activity by DS Russell K-
DS Russell K commented, Quick note on this: the order must be in "Shipped" status before an RMA can be created.
DS Russell K commented, The "Custom Color Label" no longer requires custom code. There is now a Corp Admin advanced setting under the "Commission" category (Visual Tree) called "Visual Tree Indicator Stat". Type in the S...
DS Russell K commented, A little about Autoship Start Dates / Next Process Dates See this article (near the bottom) for a great explanation: Managing Associate's AutoShips in Corporate Admin – Help Center (directscale.com...
DS Russell K commented, A note on the Hyperwallet Money-out solution: If you'll be paying out in more than one currency, or in multiple countries, you may need to use a different "Program Token" for each currency or coun...
DS Russell K commented, A note on the Hyperwallet Money-in (spendback) solution: It's possible to set up Hyperwallet as a money-in provider. This means that a user with a Hyperwallet balance can use that balance as payme...
DS Russell K commented, Product Team Thank you!Since the Associate Data Points list is what's available, then there are several useful elements easily available on these pages. I'll check out the custom content link you p...
DS Russell K commented, Thanks, Ellison, this is good stuff. There's another collection of SQL queries in this article: https://help.directscale.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037859394?page=1#comment_360004146693
DS Russell K commented, Ellison created a good post with queries showing order revenue totals and order count totals: https://help.directscale.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360038559114-SQL-Query-Order-Revenue-Totals-and-O...
DS Russell K commented, Hi, Craig, I'm wondering, could you create a coupon code for 100% off, that could be applied in the order created by the call center agent in Disco? I'm just thinking of any way we could create a c...