Viewing Pre-Built Associate Reports

Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Reports > Associates
Permission: AssociateReports()

The Associate Reports page features specific data on Associate-related activities in the system. These reports are grouped by the topic they cover, each showing a particular data set within that topic.

View each report by clicking the report’s name.

  Click the Export button to export any report; a CSV file will download. You can open it in any spreadsheet program (such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets).

Profile Reports

Profile tile

New Associates

New Associates report

The New Associates report shows the newly signed-up Associates for the selected period.

New Associates Summary section

The Summary section gives a rundown of the Enrollments by Associate TypeEnrollments by Associate Status, and Enrollments by Country.

You can filter the report by Period, Associate Type, and Associate Status by using the appropriate drop-down menus.

Report filters

Email/Text Communication Preferences (Export Only)

The Email Communication Preferences and Text Communication Preferences reports export to a CSV file.

Corporate Communication CSV file

The reports feature Associates' First/Last Name, Back Office ID, Email Address, Primary Phone, Secondary Phone, and Text Number.

The reports are identical, except for the Preference Value column. In this column, the values are either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the Associate has corporate communications (email or text, depending on the report) enabled.

Audit Reports

Audit tile

Associates on AutoShip

The lone AutoShip report, Associates on AutoShip, displays every Associate with a Failed, Pending, or Scheduled AutoShip.

Associates on Autoship report

Learn more about adding AutoShips.

Rank Reports

Rank tile

Rank Advancement

Rank Advancements report

The Rank Advancements report shows all Associates that have maintained or advanced in rank by the selected commission period.

Paid Rank

Paid Rank Report

Compiles all the Associates that were paid commissions and the rank at which they were paid.

High Ranks

High Rank Report

The High Rank Report shows all the Associates who’ve achieved their highest rank in the selected commission period.

  If an Associate has achieved their highest rank in a past period, dropped rank in the next period, and then earned the high rank again in the current period, they’ll still show up in the current report.

Coded Ranks

Coded Rank report

For this report, you must use the Coding Tree, and code Associates to each other. The report displays the coded ranks for Associates and which Associates are coded to whom and at what levels.

To view data:

  1. Search for and select an Associate’s name in the Enrollment Tree field.

  2. Enter the number of Levels deep to pull.

  3. Click the Submit button.

Highest Rank Advancement by Period

Highest Rank Advancement by Period report

The Highest Rank Advancement by Period report shows the Associates with advanced ranks in the selected commission period, including previous rank, highest rank, and current rank.

Performance Reports

Performance tile

Top Enrollers

Top Enrollers report

Shows the Associates that obtained the most amount of new enrollments in the selected period. The report breaks this enrollment number up by Associate Type.

Other Reports

Other tile

Reports requested by you, built during the implementation stage before launch; these vary by client.

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