Adding an Inventory Item

Admin: Corporate Admin
Page: Inventory > Products
Permission: ViewInventory()

Adding an Inventory Item

To add an inventory item:

  1. Click the Add item button and select Add new item from the drop-down menu.

    Add Item button

    You navigate to the New Item page.

    New Item page
  2. The New Item page is where you enter the specifications for your inventory item (referred to in other articles as the Item Detail page).

    For each inventory item:

  3. Click Save Changes.

    The item adds to the Products page.

    Products page

Duplicating an Inventory Item

To duplicate an inventory item:

  1. Click the Add Item button and select Duplicate item from the drop-down menu.

    Add Item button

    The Duplicate Item pop-up window opens.

    Duplicate Item pop-up
  2. Enter the Product Name or SKU for the item you want to duplicate.
  3. Select the item from your search results.
    Inventory item selection
  4. Click Duplicate Item.

    Duplicate Item button

    You navigate to the Create Duplicate page.

    Create Duplicate page
  5. Review the duplicated item specifications to determine if changes are required.
  6. Enter a Product Name and SKU for the new item.

      The Product Name and SKU are required fields. An error message will appear if you attempt to save a duplicated item before completing these fields.
  7. Click Save Changes.

Editing an Inventory Item

To edit an inventory item:

  1. Navigate back to the Products page.
  2. Locate your item in the list.
  3. Click on the SKU or Product Name link.
  4. Edit the configuration from the Item Detail page
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