Release Notes: January 17, 2020
Here’s what’s new with DirectScale the week of January 17th 2020.
Welcome to the Friday edition of our weekly release notes! This week our amazing teams in India celebrated Makar Sankranti, the Festival of Kites, so we had our release one day later than normally scheduled. Who else wishes we had a Festival of Kites here in the US ✋!?
Remember to come back every Thursday, or subscribe to “News from DirectScale” to get reminders about all the cool things we are delivering.
🎁 New Features and 🌟 Enhancements for All!
🎁 New! Grid Compensation Plan Creator [Corporate Office] This exciting new feature is available to all our clients on our Essentials plan. We understand the need in our industry for new companies to hit the ground running. With this new, revolutionary way to create and administer a compensation plan you can skyrocket your field to their first paycheck days after launching on DirectScale! (read how)
🎁 New! Custom Field Support [Corporate Office] Last week we introduced the ability for developers to extend fields on the Order table, and now this week we are taking that even further by extending the Associate, Autoship, and Inventory Item tables. Contact support to learn more.
🌟 Improved! Sales Reports Loading Faster [Corporate Office] The reports in the Sales tab for Orders, Invoices, and Payments all were loading in the last 7 days worth of data, which for some of our clients was a little too much data for the browser to handle (not a bad problem to have, honestly). We want all of our clients to be able to use these reports so we updated the default time period to Today on all of these reports so you overachievers don’t have to wait so long to see your copious amounts of sales data! (read about the Orders, Invoices, and Payments reports)
🌟 Improved! Removed Broken and Unused Inventory Setting [Corporate Office] There are just some things we add to the product that we discover no one really uses. In this case it was the Product Line selector and Image on the Category. We have removed both of these things, but no one will really notice because no one was using them anyway ;)
🌟 Improved! Inventory Price Adjustments Save on Create [Corporate Office] Previously when creating a Price Adjustment for an Inventory Item you would have to click “Set Price” on the modal pop up, then click “Save Changes” on the Item page itself. This was very often missed so we made it so the “Set Price” also saves it to the Inventory Item. (read more)
🎁 New! Blocked Words Support [Retail Site] We added support to have a list of blocked words that can be set during enrollment as the webalias. This should help with keeping in compliance and preventing any offensive site names.
🌟 Improved! Enroll and Visited Count on Marketing Sites Widget [Corporate Office] This widget was originally built to support our old WordPress Replicated sites to show how many people have visited and enrolled and now the counts work with our new Retail Site!
🐞 Bugs That Have Been Squashed
🐞Fixed: Price Discounts Weren’t Expiring on Time [Corporate Office] When a price level was set to a Discount and had an End Time set, the time was still ending at midnight instead of the new time specifications introduced last week.
🐞Fixed: Mobile: Report Center Drop Down Not Visible [Web Office] When looking at the Report Center on a phone, the drop down to edit the report wasn’t showing and now it is.
🐞Fixed: Clicking Place Order Multiple Times [Retail Site] If a user were to click “Place Order” more than once before the next page loaded multiple orders were being created. We have now locked the button so it can only be clicked once to prevent duplicate orders.
🔮 What Cool Things Are We Working On?
- Even more Corporate Office reporting enhancements to make it easier to write with SQL.
- More small changes to the Inventory area in Corporate Office to remove broken or unused functionality.
- Better backup options for when tax providers go down.
Is something missing from this list? Report bugs that you find to our amazing Support Team by chatting with them from the platform or submitting a request here.
Do you have a cool idea for a new feature? Join the community discussion to suggest new features and see other ideas you might have never thought of here.
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